The Town Administration office is truly the heartbeat of Jonesborough and keeps the Town operating at many levels. The Town Administrator is responsible for directing the entire town staff of 125 employees and carrying out policies adopted by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
Glenn Rosenoff | Town Administrator | 423.753.1030 |
Craig Ford | Operations Manager | 423.753.1031 |
Donna Freeman | Executive Assistant | 423.753.1030 |
Sarah Norton | Administrative Assistant | 423.753.1030 |
Town Administrator
The Town Administrator is a full-time employee responsible to and directly hired by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen (BMA) on a two-year contract. The Administrator is responsible for directing the entire town staff of 125 employees and carrying out policies adopted by the BMA. The Administrator prepares and submits annual budgets and works with the Town Recorder to fully advise the BMA of the town’s financial condition. He or she makes recommendations to the BMA on the hiring of employees and is ultimately responsible for all disciplinary actions including termination. The Administrator serves as the purchasing agent, makes recommendations for improving the quality and quantity of public services, and gives their full time to administering the business of the town and the activities of each town department. Town Administrator Glenn Rosenoff can be reached at 423.753.1030.
Operations Manager
The Operations Manager is directly accountable to the Town Administrator and manages the Town staff on a daily basis. The Operations Manager is highly involved in projects carried out by Town staff, and is responsible for ensuring that the manpower, equipment and material resources needed for projects are available. The Operations Manager also establishes a high standard for the quality of work performed by the Town. Currently the Operations Manager also serves as Public Safety Director, and is instrumental in establishing high expectations for the performance of the Police and Fire departments. The Operations Manager makes recommendations on policy changes to the Town Administrator as well as adjustments in departmental personnel and budgets. Operations Manager Craig Ford can be reached at 423.753.1031.
Administrative Staff
Jonesborough has two staff persons in the administrative area at Town Hall. The Executive Assistant Donna Freeman and Administrative Assistant answer incoming calls to Town Hall, fill out Request for Service forms and direct them to the appropriate department, as well as handling scheduling and correspondence for the Town Administrator and Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Donna can be reached at 423.753.1030.