Mission Statement
The Main Street Jonesborough Program is a community effort to preserve and promote the heart of the community, which is our downtown. Together we unify the downtown historic district by creating an attractive destination in which businesses prosper, the community benefits and residents and visitors enjoy a quality experience.
Vision Statement
To maintain Jonesborough’s downtown area as the focus of the community where history is preserved, businesses thrive, and residents and visitors dine, shop and enjoy the history, culture, storytelling, arts and entertainment.
Main Street Jonesborough Board of Directors
The Main Street Jonesborough Board is made up of 16 members, 10 of which are representatives of the following organizations whose activities directly impact historic downtown Jonesborough:
• Dona Lewis, Jonesborough Area Merchants & Services Association
• Lesley McDavid, International Storytelling Center
• Terry Countermine, Heritage Alliance
• Theresa Hammons, McKinney Center
• Amber Crumley, Jonesborough Visitors Center
• Janette Gaines, Jonesborough Repertory Theatre
• Jim Rhein, Jonesborough Community Chest
• Herman Jenkins, Senior Center
• Zac Jenkins, Historic Zoning Commission
• Emily Lamb, Jonesborough Locally Grown
The other 6 members are represented by stakeholders and active community members in the downtown area and include:
Anne G’Fellers Mason |
Tammy Eldridge |
Jerome Bowers |
Jennifer Wolfe |
Gabe Eveland |
Will Manning |
Cameo Waters serves as the Director for the Main Street Jonesborough Program.

Cameo Waters Main Street Director 423.753.1013
In May of 2013, Jonesborough was designated a Tennessee Main Street Community. Main Street is a program established by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Main Street Events
The program has four (4) areas of emphasis including
- Design
The restoration and maintenance of downtown buildings - Economic Restructuring
The focus on business retention and business recruitment in the downtown area - Promotion
The marketing and promotional activities related to the downtown district - Organization
The use of volunteers and associated effort to get citizens involved in the improvement of the downtown area.
Main Street Jonesborough has four (4) standing sub-committees representing the four point Main Street approach. The organization is a state chartered non-profit corporation that partners with the Jonesborough Area Merchants and Service Association as well as the Town of Jonesborough. Residents interested in serving on one of the four standing committees, or in assisting the Main Street Program in Jonesborough in any way may contact Cameo Waters at 423.753.1013. Ms. Waters has an office in the Historic Jonesborough Visitors Center at 117 Boone Street.
Business Recruitment and Retention
A priority focus of Main Street Jonesborough is assisting in business recruitment and business retention. The Main Street Director assists existing and new businesses in many ways including promotion, permit facilitation, management workshops, etc. As one of 26 Main Street communities in Tennessee, Jonesborough networks with the other communities that have earned the designation to learn how they address common issues like getting residents to shop local, attracting customers from the region, and creating the working relationship among businesses that is needed for success. Main Street Jonesborough is also vital in providing and helping implement many of Jonesborough’s events such as Jonesborough Days, Christmas in Olde Jonesborough, Easter Eggstravaganza, Halloween Haunts and Happenings and more.